Kom godt igang med CMS

To get started with administrating and building your website with Club People's CMS, expand your organization, expand "Administration" where you'll find "CMS-admin".

Here in the CMS Admin page, you find two tabs on the top of the page, namely, "Setting and Design" and "Pages and Content"
  • Setting and Design tab allows you to fill out profile information and design the website.
  • Pages and Content tab offers you option to create and edit contents of various pages, paragraphs, webforms etc.,

When you click on the "Setting and Design" tab, the page appears like this:

Selecting the tab "Profiles and Settings", you can enter your profile information and save them on clicking the "Save and continue" button.

Title, email and address will automatically be included at the footer of all pages, so visitors can easily get into contact with you.

Selecting the tab "Design", you can select various design options for your website and save them on clicking the "Save and continue" button.

"See standard design templates" displays you the several design templates which you can choose and apply on your website.

When you select the "Pages and Content" tab, the page appears like this:

Here, in the Pages and Content tab, you find four sub-tabs, namely,
  • Pages - here you can add pages to your website.
  • Paragraph - here you can edit the paragraphs which are used in your website.
  • Webforms - here you can add webforms to your website.
  • Intranet Users - here you can add the users to your website.

Note: Pages and Paragraph are default sub-tabs whereas Webforms and Intranet Users are non-default sub-tabs, i.e. you need to buy those features if you intend to use them.


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